Careers / Volunteer

At BrainTech Robotics STEM LC (BTR), we take pride in our leadership role in promoting exploration and discovery in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEM/STEAM).

Leaders in STEM Education

We are committed to empowering young minds by developing their problem-solving, creativity, inquiry skills, math and science skills, engineering-design thinking, critical thinking, and mindful collaboration abilities. As a leader in the field of STEM education, BTR is dedicated to providing a nurturing and innovative learning environment that inspires young learners to excel in these key areas. Join us in our mission to shape the next generation of leaders in STEM fields by contributing your expertise and passion to our dynamic team.

STEM Education
STEM Education

Tell Us What Makes You Tick!

BrainTech Robotics STEM LC welcomes inquiries from academics and practitioners with expertise in various subjects who may be interested in part-time teaching, workshop leadership, or sharing their knowledge and experiences in real-world applications of STEM. If you are interested, please send a cover letter that outlines your teaching philosophy, your area of interest or experience in STEM, and your CV to the coordinator, Patrick Monize, at We value your potential contribution and look forward to hearing from you.