For Future Generations

The need for equitable representation of women in STEM careers, and especially women of colour, is an economic imperative, an innovation catalyst, and an issue of equity and inclusion.

Empowering Them All...

Developing young minds in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) requires us to recognize that every learner is unique and the key to learning is engagement. In search of the “Aha ” moment in a child, we must listen, watch, adapt and apply techniques that allow them to “Get It”.

Youth need encouragement as learners to actively participate in the learning & discovery process by asking questions and facing real challenges.

Empowering the youth of today to believe in their ability to learn is an important phase in a their growth and key objective of our programs. We encourage parents to join in our professional development and team-lead sessions. Parents receive an up to date status on every child as they progress in the program.

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Women in STEM

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